Lately, I don't really watch Hindi movie, but last week I stayed late, I can't sleep.. then I switch my tv channel to RTM2... Suddently, on the screen, its appeared a big word of 'Night in London'... it's really attracted me, because its was an old Hindi movie in 60's. Whut really interest me, not about the story, but about the actress, she's so classy and fashionable... the movie remind me of Malaysian old movie called "Nora Zain"... very adventurous and suspend.. lots of action... but the best part.. event she's been thru lots of trouble... run into the mud and jungle with white dresses, but the hair and the dress still looked clean and neat!.. ahahahhhhahh... I event captured with my camera few scenes from the movie, but unfortunately, my camera out of battery, i missed to capture her gorgeous bag, her beautiful Sari, her vintage trench coat and shoes... (argghhh... )
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