Woww.. its been a long time, i didn't update this blog!. Too busyyyyyy... yeah, yeahhh.. same old excuses. Hahahahah. But, yeahh, that's me. Its hard to manage my time. To many things want to do in the same time. After the hectic deadline and events... today is the only time i manage to update this blog. Only my closest friends know how my job looked like. Some of my friends thought, my job look so happening... (ha ha, yeah right!)its sound great because i can meet clients, celebrities, hot models, do styling, direct photography BUT i'm also have to deal with politics & office drama! Pattern is a platform for me to experiment myself, my passion. i just love fashion. I like to dress up peoples. And i'm happy if people really like my stuffs. But of course I Love my job too. I have to deal with it. If u are an accountant, lawyer, doctor, secretary.. u also get the same pressure like me, but in the different situation. But here, of course i only show my favorite moment at the office ;). Whut I'm doing in my real job, I take it as an experiences. And its really useful for my Pattern project, whut I learned i apply to Pattern projects. I'm always consider myself, i'm still in learning process. For moment i have to deal with my commitments = family + relationship + work + business. And i'm trying so hard to make it work! ;D